Erez Law is interested in speaking with investors who may have suffered losses due to investments with Union Capital Company broker Ernest Harris (CRD# 714335). He has been registered with Union Capital Company in Tucson, Arizona, since 2018. In 2004, he was terminated from his employment with Smith Barney related to allegations of selling away.
In April 2005, NASD sanctioned him to pay a $7,000 civil and administrative penalty, related to allegations that he “facilitated the loan of $40,000 between an individual and an outside entity for which he received compensation. the respondent failed to provide prompt written notice of this outside business sctivity to his employing firm.”
Ernest Harris Customer Complaints
He has been the subject of six customer complaints between 2003 and 2023, one of which was denied and one was closed without action, according to his CRD report. The most recent complaints are regarding:
June 2023. “Poor performance/advise.” The case was settled for $15,000. The complaint was regarding common and preferred stocks, and it took place while he was registered with Union Capital Company.
January 2023. “Allegation is Unsuitable product purchased in 2018 and 2020.” The customer is seeking $300,000 in damages and the case is currently pending. The complaint was regarding debt-backed assets, and it took place while he was registered with Union Capital Company.
Pursuant to FINRA Rules, member firms are responsible for supervising a broker’s activities during the time the broker is registered with the firm. Therefore, Union Capital Company may be liable for investment or other losses suffered by Ernest Harris’ customers.
Erez Law represents investors in the United States for claims against brokers and brokerage firms for wrongdoing. If you have experienced investment losses, please call us at 888-840-1571 or complete our contact form for a free consultation. Erez Law is a nationally recognized law firm representing individuals, trusts, corporations and institutions in claims against brokerage firms, banks and insurance companies on a contingency fee basis.
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