Erez Law is interested in speaking with investors who may have suffered losses due to investments with former Centaurus Financial, Inc. broker Marc Korsch (CRD# 5525226). He has been registered with Arkadios Capital in Atlanta, Georgia, since March 2021. Previously, he was registered with Centaurus Financial, Inc. in Sarasota, Florida, from 2014 to 2021. Previously, he was registered with Trustmont Financial Group, Inc. in Sarasota, Florida, from 2011 to 2014.
In December 2021, FINRA suspended him after he failed to respond to FINRA’s requests for information.
In March 2022, he was barred by FINRA after he failed to respond to FINRA requests for information.
Marc Korsch Customer Complaints
Marc Korsch has been the subject of 48 customer complaints between 2017 and 2023, one of which was closed without action, according to his CRD report:
January 2023. “In August 2015, the customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended risky, illiquid and unsuitable investments.” The customer is seeking $160,000 in damages.
December 2022. “During the period February 2017 through March 2021, the customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, high-risk and illiquid investments.” The customer is seeking $500,000 in damages.
December 2022. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended a risky and speculative investment. No dates for the alleged activity were identified in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $100,000 in damages.
December 2022. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended high-fee, illiquid and risky investments. No dates for the alleged activity were identified in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $120,000 in damages.
December 2022. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, complex, high-risk and illiquid investments. No dates for the alleged activity were identified in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $100,000 in damages.
October 2022. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative misrepresented unsuitable, high-risk, and illiquid investments. No dates for the alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $680,000 in damages.
October 2022. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative failed to follow her instructions and recommended an unsuitable, high-risk, and illiquid investment. No dates for the alleged activity were disclosed in the complaint.” The customer sought $55,000 in damages and the case was settled for $12,500.
October 2022. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative misrepresented unsuitable, speculative and illiquid investments. No dates for the alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The case is currently pending.
October 2022. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable and illiquid investments. No dates for the alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The case is currently pending.
October 2022. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable and illiquid investments. No dates for the alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The case is currently pending.
October 2022. “In March 2019, the customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended an unsuitable, speculative, high-risk and illiquid investment.” The customer is seeking $50,000 in damages.
September 2022. “Beginning in or about 2014, the customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended and mispresented unsuitable, speculative, high-risk and illiquid investments.” The customer is seeking $100,000 in damages.
September 2022. “Beginning in or about 2014, the customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended and mispresented unsuitable, high-risk and illiquid investments.” The customer is seeking $200,000 in damages.
September 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended and mispresented unsuitable, high-risk, illiquid investments and breached his fiduciary duty. No dates for the alleged activity were disclosed.” The customer is seeking $105,000 in damages.
September 2022. “Beginning in or about 2016, the customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended and mispresented unsuitable, high-risk and illiquid investments.” The customer is seeking $105,000 in damages.
July 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended and concentrated their portfolios in risky, illiquid, high-risk, high-commission and complex investments. No dates for the alleged activity were identified in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $100,000 in damages.
July 2022. “During the period between 2018 through the present, the Customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended and misrepresented unsuitable investments.” The customer is seeking $500,000 in damages.
July 2022. “On or about 2014 through 2019, the customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended high risk, high commission investments and breached his fiduciary duty.” The customer sought $200,000 in damages and the case was settled for $60,000.
June 2022. “During the period 2019 through October 2020, the customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, high risk and illiquid investments and breached his fiduciary duty.” The customer is seeking $119,867 in damages.
June 2022. “During the period 2015, September 2019, December 2019 and June 2020, the customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, high risk and illiquid investments and breached his fiduciary duty.” The case is currently pending.
June 2022. “During the period September 2019 and September 2020, the customers allege that the Registered Representative was negligent, misrepresented and recommended an unsuitable investment and breached his fiduciary duty.” The customer sought $90,000 in damages and the case was settled for $20,000.
June 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, high risk and illiquid investments and breached his fiduciary duty. No dates of alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The customer sought $300,000 in damages and the case was settled for $45,500.
May 2022. “During the period April 2019 through December 2019, the customers allege that the Registered Representative breached his fiduciary duty with respect to their investments.” The customer is seeking $99,000 in damages.
May 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, high-risk, and illiquid investments. No dates of alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $235,000 in damages.
May 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, complex, high-risk, speculative and illiquid investments and breached his fiduciary duty. In that there are multiple claimants that have no correlation, there are various dates with respect to the alleged activities in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $575,000 in damages.
May 2022. “During the period July 2020 through November 2020 the customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended and overconcentrated the customer’s portfolio in illiquid and risky private investments.” The customer is seeking $300,000 in damages.
April 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, complex, high-risk, speculative and illiquid investments and breached his fiduciary duty. In that there are multiple claimants that have no correlation, there are various dates with respect to the alleged activities in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $380,000 in damages.
April 2022. “During the period 2014 to present, the customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended illiquid, unsuitable, high risk and high fee investments.” The customer is seeking $610,000 in damages.
April 2022. “During the period 2014 to present, the customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended and misrepresented illiquid, unsuitable and inappropriate asset allocations/investments.” The customer is seeking $310,000 in damages.
April 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, high-risk and high fee investments. No dates are provided within the Statement of Claim.” The customer sought $330,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $15,000.
April 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, illiquid, high-risk, high fee investments and failed to maintain an appropriate asset allocation. No dates are provided within the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $580,000 in damages.
February 2022. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable, high-risk, and illiquid investments. No dates of alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $250,000 in damages.
December 2021. “During the period 2014 through February 2021, the customer alleges that the Registered Representative was negligent and misrepresented extremely high risk and unsuitable investments and breached his fiduciary duty.” The customer sought $300,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $2,500.
November 2021. “During the period 2013 through November 2021, the customer alleges that the Registered Representative misrepresented high risk and unsuitable investments.” The customer is seeking $100,000 in damages.
November 2021. “While the Registered Representative was affiliated with Trustmont Financial Group, specifically 2013 through 2014, the customers invested approximately $245,000. The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended investments in high-commission, unsuitable, complex and risky investments.” The customer is seeking $500,000 in damages.
November 2021. “The customer, through her attorney, alleged that the Registered Representative concentrated her estate’s portfolio in unsuitable investments.” The customer sought $45,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $18,500.
November 2021. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative misrepresented high risk, unsuitable investments and breached his fiduciary duty. No dates are provided within the Statement of Claim.” The customer sought $150,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $35,000.
November 2021. “During the period 2015 through February 2021, the customers allege that the Registered Representative misrepresented high risk, unsuitable investments and breached his fiduciary duty.” The customer is seeking $200,000 in damages.
September 2021. “While the Registered Representative was affiliated with Trustmont Financial Group, specifically 2012 through 2014, the customers invested approximately $900,000. While the Registered Representative was affiliated with Centaurus Financial, Inc, specifically 2014 through 2/5/2021, the customers invested approximately $150,000. The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended investments in high-commission, unsuitable, complex and risky investments.” The customer is seeking $700,000 in damages. The complaint was regarding real estate securities and took place while Marc Korsch was registered with Centaurus Financial, Inc. and Trustmont Financial Group, Inc.
September 2021. “While the Registered Representative was affiliated with Trustmont Financial Group, specifically 2012 through 2014, the customers invested approximately $900,000. While the Registered Representative was affiliated with Centaurus Financial, the customer invested approximately $135,000. The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended investments in high-commission, unsuitable, complex and risky investments.” The customer is seeking $700,000 in damages. The complaint was regarding real estate securities and insurance losses and took place while Marc Korsch was registered with Centaurus Financial, Inc. and Trustmont Financial Group, Inc.
September 2021. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative concentrated their account(s) in unsuitable, high-commission, complex and risky investments. No dates of alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The customer sought $150,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $40,000. The complaint was regarding real estate securities and took place while Marc Korsch was registered with Centaurus Financial, Inc.
September 2021. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative concentrated his account(s) in high-commission, complex and risky investments. No dates of alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The customer sought $400,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $123,500. The complaint was regarding real estate securities and took place while Marc Korsch was registered with Centaurus Financial, Inc.
August 2021. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative made misrepresentations, recommended unsuitable, illiquid investments and breached his fiduciary duty. No specific dates are provided within the Statement of Claim.” The customer is seeking $250,000 in damages and the case was settled for $29,750.
August 2021. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative made misrepresentations, recommended unsuitable, illiquid investments and breached his fiduciary duty. No specific dates are provided within the Statement of Claim.” The customer sought $200,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $29,500. The complaint was regarding real estate securities and took place while Marc Korsch was registered with Centaurus Financial, Inc.
June 2021. “The customers allege that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable investments and breached his fiduciary duty. No dates of alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The customer sought $750,000 in damages, and the complaint was settled for $66,000. The complaint was regarding real estate securities and business development companies and took place while Marc Korsch was registered with Centaurus Financial, Inc.
June 2021. “The customer alleges that the Registered Representative recommended unsuitable investments and breached his fiduciary duty. The customer further alleges that initials on the investment documents are not hers. No dates of alleged activity were disclosed in the Statement of Claim.” The customer sought $300,000 in damages and the case was settled for $22,500. The complaint was regarding real estate securities and took place while Marc Korsch was registered with Centaurus Financial, Inc.
October 2020. “During the period July 2014 to present, the customers allege that the Registered Representative invested their accounts in unsuitable/high-risk investments and breached his fiduciary duty.” The customer sought $100,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $37,000. The complaint was regarding real estate securities and direct investments and took place while Centaurus Financial, Inc.
February 2017. “Korsch was a subject of the customer’s complaint against Trustmont Financial Group, Inc. that asserted the following causes of action: violation of Florida’s Securities and Investor Protection Act § 517.011 et al; breach of fiduciary duty; common law fraud; failure to supervise; suitability; negligence/negligent misrepresentation/omission; breach of contract; restitution; and negligent supervision.” The customer sought $500,000 in damages, and the case was settled for $848,002.31 in compulsory damages, $100,000 in punitive damages, $15,596 in costs, and 82,500 in attorney’s fees. The complaint was regarding real estate investment trusts (REITs) and annuity exchanges. The complaint took place while he was registered with Trustmont Financial Group, Inc.
Pursuant to FINRA Rules, member firms are responsible for supervising a broker’s activities during the time the broker is registered with the firm. Therefore, Centaurus Financial, Inc. may be liable for investment or other losses suffered by Marc Korsch’s customers.
Erez Law represents investors in the United States for claims against brokers and brokerage firms for wrongdoing. If you have experienced investment losses, please call us at 888-840-1571 or complete our contact form for a free consultation. Erez Law is a nationally recognized law firm representing individuals, trusts, corporations and institutions in claims against brokerage firms, banks and insurance companies on a contingency fee basis.
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