Incorrect Accounting Procedures

incorrect accounting procedures

A stockbroker can be the source of incorrect accounting procedures that cost unsuspecting investors their life savings. Though many brokers conduct themselves like professionals, other brokers or brokerage firms will abuse their position and give you deliberately misleading information to increase their own profits. Many unwitting investors fall for investment fraud because they lack the knowledge or experience to know if they are being misled. A double-dealing broker will purposely omit facts, misrepresent accounting policies, and provide fraudulent financial statements. If you think an unprincipled broker swindled you out of your money, contact a fraud attorney for help.

At Erez Law, our investment fraud law firm has the experience and knowledge you are looking for. Our incorrect accounting procedures lawyers can help you hold an unprincipled broker accountable for actions that resulted in monetary injury. If you believe you’ve been the victim of accounting or broker misconduct, Erez Law may be able to recover the money you lost. Our attorneys have represented clients in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Latin America. In addition, we have represented investors, retirees, trust pension plans, partnerships, family partnerships, and high-income individuals. Schedule a confidential consultation if you believe that your broker is misleading you before its too late. Call our office at (888) 840-1571 to learn more about your rights and legal options.

Why Choose Us?

At Erez Law, we have a reputation for fighting for the rights of ordinary investors who have suffered at the hands of fraudulent brokers. Our firm’s founder, Jeffery Erez, began his career in 1997 upon graduation from the University of Miami School of Law. Today, Jeffery has devoted his practice to helping misled investor recover their losses. If you lost money because you were misled by a stockbroker, our team can help.

Our firm takes the job of protecting investors from unethical brokers seriously and our record speaks for itself. We have recovered over $200 Million in lost investments for our clients. Though many cases are settled outside of court, our attorneys treat every case as if it were going to court. We are driven to set ourselves apart through a proven track record of success. Over the years, Erez Law has won all kinds of cases, including:

  • Recovered $3 million in Puerto Rico bonds for clients who obtained fraudulent investments because of misrepresentation on the part of a major brokerage firm.
  • Recovered $6.2 million for a client for an inappropriate investment advice by a major brokerage firm.
  • Recovered over $11.1 million for trustees of the Zeenat N. Madhany Revocable Trust and Nasirdin H. Madhany Revocable Trust from Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. Citigroup broker Smith Barney sold the trustees investments not approved by his firm.
  • Recovered $4.5 million for the National Bank of Mexico from brokerage misconduct on behalf of Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc.

These a few of our most successful cases. Our misleading or incomplete stock information lawyers are prepared to represent anyone – from major businesses to families who lost everything because of a broker’s dishonesty. If you think your broker has swindled you out of your money, Erez Law is ready to help. Call our office today at (888) 840-1571 to discuss the details of your case.

How Brokers Manipulate Accounting Procedures

This type of fraud occurs when a stockbroker deliberately provides misleading information about accounting policies and procedures to an investor. In addition, deceitful brokers may also falsify financial statements to convince the investor that the investment strategy is working, while they withdraw funds from the account. Therefore, incorrect accounting procedures can wreak havoc on your investment and portfolio success. Through these means, brokers can line their pockets with your money. However, it is important to remember that you have rights. At Erez Law, we can help you build a winning legal strategy to fight back against this type of fraud. If a dishonest stockbroker deliberately misled you, talk to one of our experienced fraud attorneys today.

Common Indicators of Investment Fraud or Misinformation

Investment fraud is on the rise. For over 20 years, our firm has fought against deceitful brokers on behalf of the Miami community. Our experience has taught us the common signs to look for in investment fraud cases. While our investment fraud attorneys can’t tell you if your broker is indeed lying to you, you can get an idea if you’re the victim of fraud with a few tips.

You may be entitled to recover damages after your portfolio performs badly if:

Time is of the essence if you think you are the victim of investment fraud. If you feel a broker has mislead, misrepresented information, or unwisely caused you losses, contact a local attorney today.

How to Prove an Investment Fraud Case

Investment fraud cases are different than negligence claims. In negligence cases, a careless broker unwittingly misrepresented information related to an investment. Though you lost money because of the broker, their actions were not intentional. On the other hand, a broker or firm deliberately gave you misleading information, giving you grounds for a securities fraud claim.

Proving a claim involves five key factors:

  1. The broker mispresented or omitted facts in their recommendations
  2. The misrepresentations and omissions were intentional
  3. The recommendations that the broker supplied were related to the sale or purchase of securities
  4. The investor relied on the broker’s advice
  5. The investor suffered monetary loss as a result

With these five elements, our investment fraud attorneys can build an effective legal strategy that can help you recover what was stolen from you and get back on your feet.

Contact Our Attorneys If You Suspect Incorrect Accounting Procedures

An experienced incorrect accounting attorney can mean the difference between recovering your lost investments and the broker getting away with it. Do not hesitate any longer. Our team is standing by to help you. Call our office today at (888) 840-1571 or fill out our online contact form to speak to a qualified legal advocate who will fight for you.